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Alaa Aburayyan
(+39) 346 8121366

SimControl Advance®

Fabric filter technology acquired from FLSmidth Airtech


The dust load from your process varies and the filter bags ages, so why is your differential pressure at a constant level?

SimControl Advance® (SCA) is the next generation fabric filter controller automatically adjusting differential pressure according to process and bag conditions, reducing fan energy and compressed air consumption, extending the life of your filter bags and minimizing downtime. It continuously analyses specific baghouse conditions, looking at the rate of change of differential pressure across the bag filter system, which is driven by the dust load from the plant. It then adjusts fabric filter cleaning parameters in response to baghouse conditions to ensure that you are only ever doing the minimal required cleaning. This smarter way of cleaning reduces costly compressed air usage and extends filter bag life. And it’s an easy add-on to your existing SimControl Advance® or our other fabric filter controllers.


Extends filter bag life
This next generation fabric filter controller recognises the change in differential pressure (dP) and continuous analysis adjusts according to the actual dust load from your plant. The filter bags endure less stress, therefore lasting longer.

Reduces fan and compressed air consumption
The intelligence of the SimControl Advance® means that it is not filtering all the time. Instead, optimal filtering is achieved at a lower pressure, reducing the use of fan energy and expensive compressed air in your baghouse.

Controlling all filter equipment
The SimControl Advance® microprocessor technology controls all the equipment related to the baghouse, including the master controller, valve controller, hopper controller and fresh air damper controller. Compared to Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based systems, the SCA provides faster and more efficient detection and monitoring.

Continuous analysis for reduced downtime
Constant monitoring of the baghouse system enables early detection of a failed filter bag, allowing you to act in time to prevent dust pass-through, costly emissions fines and production shutdowns. You can develop a long-term predictive maintenance strategy based on real-time insights.

Remote filter monitoring
Online monitoring by our experienced bag filter system specialists allows you to receive specific preventive maintenance suggestions so you can plan well ahead for baghouse maintenance.

Costly plant shutdowns can be avoided through quick identification of a defective bag. Once located, the row it is in is turned off while the other rows continue to filter.

Simple installation
The SimControl Advance® plug-and-play system comes pre-wired, making it easy to install in just a few hours. Suitable for new baghouse installations as well as bag filter system upgrades.

Flexible plug-and-play
The SimControl Advance® comes pre-wired and can be customised to suit your bag filter system needs, for both new and existing systems.

Special Features
  • Add-on to your existing SimControl Advance® or our other fabric filter controllers
  • Easy installation without downtime
  • Enable online service
  • Lower power consumption
  • Less filter maintenance