Mineral dust in Denmark
Bag filter: Application: Country: Product: Filter type: |
Milling Denmark Mineral dust JMR 70/20-12 4T2-R |
Filter area, total: | 300 m² |
A customer in the chemical industry asked us to supply a filter for their receiver filter that deals with mineral dust during the milling process.
The challenge
Our task involved selecting a filter that could handle large volumes of powder. The customer also needed filter bags with a membrane to keep emissions from the filter to a minimum. However, mineral dust is very abrasive and can create wear and tear on membrane bags.
The solution
We supplied a filter with construction form 12 that could handle high air volume and high capacity in dust load (up to 1,000g/m3), with an inner chamber to protect the membrane bags from damage from mineral dust.
The value
The air-to-cloth ratio (ACR) is sufficiently low so it allows the unit to deal with membrane bags as well as the large dust load. The system slows the velocity, creating a quiet environment in the inlet chamber where dust enters the filter.
The filter is fitted with a 4T2 top section with hinged cover so the customer can change filter bags easily.