SimSpot pressure shock resistant
The SimSpot (PSR) bag filter with pressure shock resistance of 0.7 bar - is a practical alternative to conventional central aspiration. Its simple, functional design allows it to be easily installed on conveyors and bucket elevators.
The SimSpot filter removes a minor quantity of air from a working machine that is mainly enclosed. With this, it creates a slight negative pressure, which prevents dust particles from escaping through leaks or openings. The built-in fan sucks air through the filter section mounted directly on the machine.
The dust is separated on the outside of the filter bags. The dust then drops into the product stream when the filter bags are cleaned. The dust separated inside the filter is continuously returned into the product stream. This prevents different types of dust from mixing together.
- The SimSpot (PSR) filter with the built-in fan is in action only when the machine is working – giving you energy savings and your filter bags a long life.
- The SimSpot filter (PSR) is also available without a built-in fan. This means that you can connect it to a large central fan to save energy.
- Being a low-cost and low-maintenance solution, the SimSpot filter offers you savings in the form of a low-cost of ownership.
- The Standard VDI 2263 page 8.1:2011-03, verified in Germany, stipulates that, with a pressure shock resistance of at least 0.7 bar, up to half of the explosion panels in the system can be left out.
- The SimSpot filter is suitable both as stand-alone solution and as an extension to central aspiration plants. You choose the option best suited to your needs.
- New machines that need dust aspiration are equipped with separate SimSpot filters. This means that you don’t experience any interference with existing aspiration systems.
- In the event of a fire in a machine with a built-in SimSpot, the filter does not act as a connecting link to other machines. This gives your machines and plant an additional level of safety.
- SimSpot (PSR) has a pressure shock resistance of 0.7 bar.